States Visited Map & Counter

Explore the united states on our interactive map!
Mark, showcase and count the states you have visited.


States Visited


Traveled the US

Visualize and count the states you have visited

Use the united states map as a digital scratch map and mark all the states you have already visited with a few simple mouse clicks. Whether it was a brief city excursion, an extensive vacation, or a phase of living abroad, you can capture and visualize those experiences on this map. If you're unable to locate the states you have been on the map, the states checklist beneath it is your guide.

States Visited Checklist

The following form lists all 50 states of the United States of America. Simply select the state by checking the box, and watch as it automatically fills with color on the map. This action will also increase the states counter by one. Additionally, you can directly observe the percentage of the United States you have already traveled.

Have you gone through the list and marked all your visited places? Which states are still missing?

Share and Showcase your Travel Journey and Discover new Places

Explore the United States in a new and exciting way with our "States Visited Map & Counter." This interactive tool allows you to track and highlight the states you've visited, creating a personalized visual representation of your travels across the country. Whether you're an avid traveler or just starting to explore, our map makes it easy to document your journey. With a simple and intuitive interface, you can quickly select states by name and see them come to life with vibrant colors on the map. The "States Visited" feature enables you to effortlessly keep track of where you've been, creating a unique travel history that you can share with others. Our platform also offers a counter that tallies the number of states you've explored, giving you a clear picture of your travel milestones. Sharing your custom "States Visited Map" is easy, allowing you to inspire friends and family to embark on their own adventures. Celebrate your travel experiences and showcase your adventures with our "States I've Been To Map." Start highlighting and sharing your journey today, and create a lasting memory of the states you've explored across the USA.

United States visited Map